KANA collection
KANA collection

- 毎シーズン日本各地のメーカーと開発してテキスタイルコレクションを制作し、主に海外メゾンに販売しています。伝統ある老舗から個性派まで、さまざまなブランドに素材を採用された実績があります。
Every fashion season, we, KDS, create textile collection as a fruit of collaborative works with textile manufacturers in Japan and introduce them into overseas markets, mainly to fashion maisons. We have a successful record of achievements in supplying our collection to a variety of maisons, ranging from long-standing to emerging individual ones.
Japanese textiles have been highly esteemed among leading designers with a critical eye. We are trying to widen potentials for those promising textiles by designing, utilizing characteristic crafts and technologies each manufacturer has and undertaking collaborative works among textile manufacturers regardless of difference of production sites.
KDS creates and supervises designs, develops new textiles and help market them in and out of Japan. - CLIENT & PARTNER
- 株式会社丸萬
- 日本